Palau, Micronesia — Solitude Live Aboard
Only 1 Space Available/Female!!!
January 11 – 21, 2026  11 Days/10 Nights

Solitude Live Aboard Lower Deck, Interior (Call for Availability) $5,355 pp*
Solitude Live Aboard Main Deck Ocean View (Call for Availability) $5,805 pp*
Solitude Live Aboard Upper Deck Ocean View (Call for Availability
) $6,255 pp*
Solitude Live Aboard Upper Deck Stateroom (Call for Availability) $6,705 pp*

* per person based upon double occupancy

Bump Head Parrotfish Spawning Video

Solitude Live Aboard Palau Diving Video

This area of the South Pacific is home to the expansive islands of Micronesia with strong affiliation to the U.S.  A hotbed of activity during World War II.  The marine life is beyond amazing, including soft and hard corals, giant clams, sharks, mantas, turtles, and huge schooling fish!  This is some of my favorite diving, and it will be my 5th trip to the area.  I was tipped off by a guest live aboards are now available focusing on fish spawning.  And this particular itinerary we have is part of the spawning magic, we’ll experience Bump Head Parrotfish Spawning!  On my last trip to Palau, the crew planned a “Red Snapper Spawning Dive.”  It’s one of those dives I hope to never forget!  The action was out of this world!  We followed schools of Red Snappers as they formed into a HUGE school of swirling fish.  The reef sharks were active around the school of Red Snappers.  The swirl of Red Snappers rose higher and higher with spawning frenzy.  I have never seen anything like it!  Click the link above and watch the video.  The Palau archipelago hosts incredible reefs and pelagic action!  The variety continues with shark-inhabited channels covered in lush soft corals, cabbage patch coral, and favorites like Palette Surgeonfish (Dory), and Clown Anemone Fish (Nemo) on huge Anemones!  With a 10 Night itinerary, we will experience incredible diving from a beautiful live aboard with a seasoned crew.  Land tours available to Peleliu, Jellyfish Lake, and the Milky Way!  What was once an area of war and tragedy, is now a peaceful area with incredible beauty.  It is a life changing experience!

Your Vacation on the Palau Solitude GAIA Includes:

  • 11 Days/10 Nights accommodations on board the beautiful new Solitude GAIA
  • 3 to 4 dives daily, weather permitting
  • All Meals with a variety of delicious choices, including between meal snack, and Non-Alcohol beverages (Alcohol beverages available for purchase)
  • All Live Aboard Amenities!
  • Professional Dive Briefings and Guided Dives from tenders take you to top dive sites:  Sample Itinerary
  • Special Bump Head Parrotfish Dive – based upon the new moon cycle on Jan 18, 2026
  • Roundtrip Airport/Boat Transfer (Hotel Transfers possible, may or may not have a surcharge)
  • Land Tours available to Peleliu, Jellyfish Lake, and the Milky Way
  • Group T-Shirt, dated as a trip memento
  • Group Leader – Heather Bloom


  • State Room Tax $10 US pp per day
  • Koror State Diving Permit $100 US pp 10 day permit
  • Jellyfish Lake & Rock Island $50 US pp 10 day permit
  • Palau Environmental Fee $100 US pp
  • Fuel Surcharge $30 pp per night (subject to change)
  • Diving tax in Peleliu – TBD
  • Cost:   Deposits – $500 non-refundable deposits due to secure your space!  Payment schedule available.  Air pricing from Chicago (approximate) is $2,700 pp for Palau via Guam.  Any overnights needed are additional.  Booking air from any departure city, when available, just ask for pricing.  Trip protection insurance is recommended.  Please ask for details.  Please Call Heather Bloom, Group Leader/Travel Specialist at Dive and Travel Adventures at 231-855-1353 or email her at [email protected] for more information and your deposit.  You will be glad you did!

Feel Free to invite to friends! Welcome Aboard!

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Please contact Heather to Sign On or for any questions at 231-855-1353 or by email.

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